King Street Gallery on William

Martin King- Finalist Geelong Acquisitive Print Awards and Hazelhurst Art on Paper Award, 2021

September 3, 2021

Congratulations to Martin King, finalist in the Geelong Acquisitive Print Awards 2021 with his work ‘Tree of Life, Unsuccessful Species’.

“Tree of Life, Unsuccessful Species’ is made up of 37 etchings of species of birds that in some habitats are under threat from various pressures.  Visually it references museum avian displays of taxidermed birds. In an ironic twist, the tree on which the birds perch is constructed from human and avian skeletal remains. The question is posed: which species is unsuccessful?” – Martin King, 2021

Exhibition Dates: 2 October – 17 October, 2021
Location: Geelong Gallery, Victoria

This nationally acclaimed acquisitive prize exhibition features entries from around Australia by established and emerging printmakers representing the diversity of current practice through both traditional printmaking techniques as well as contemporary processes.

Image: Tree of Life, Unsuccessful Species, etching drypoint, chine colle and hand colouring, 168 x 165cm

Martin King




























Congratulations to Martin King, finalist in the Hazelhurst Art On Paper Award 2021 with his work ‘Strangerlands II’.

Artist statement: A large graphite drawing including references to past representations of landscape, popular culture, ancient manuscripts and the graphic arts including, William Strutt’s Black Thursday,1851, Ingmar Bergman’s The Seventh Seal, an Iranian illuminated 15C manuscript and Goya’s Los Caprichos.

Exhibition Dates: 18 September – 28 November 2021
Location: Hazelhurst Regional Gallery & Arts Centre

The biennial Hazelhurst Art on Paper Award aims to elevate the status of works on paper while supporting and promoting artists working with this medium.

Image: Strangerlands II, 2021, graphite, watercolour, gouache, gold foil on drafting film and paper, 148 x 226cm

Martin King