Tom Carment
Paintings & Drawings
25 November - 20 December 2014
Ross Laurie
New paintings and works on paper 2014
28 October - 22 November 2014
Wendy Sharpe
2 September - 27 September 2014
Adriane Strampp
The Lake Paintings
5 August - 30 August 2014
Elisabeth Cummings
Monotypes, Etchings and Ceramics
8 July - 2 August 2014
Amanda Penrose Hart
Acid Free
10 June - 5 July 2014
Robert Hirschmann
13 May - 7 June 2014
Idris Murphy
Landscapes Inscapes
15 April - 10 May 2014
Peter O’Doherty
18 March - 12 April 2014
Theo Kuijpers
Recent Drawings & Gouaches
18 February - 15 March 2014
John Bokor, Richard Wastell,...
Drawing 2014