King Street Gallery on William

Rachel Milne

Rachel Milne was born in 1978 in Cambridge, England and moved to Newcastle in 2013. Rachel studied at Cardiff University, UK and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Fine Art Painting, in 2000.

In the past eight years she has been a finalist in the Wynne Prize (twice), the Fleurieu Biennale, Kilgour and Tattersall Landscape prizes, the Portia Geach Memorial Award and the Salon des Refusés amongst others. After a well received solo show at the Newcastle Art Gallery in 2021, she went on to win the 2022 Muswellbrook Painting Prize (acquisitive) and the Evelyn Chapman Award (2022).

In 2024 Rachel was invited to be the Artist in Residence at the LiddellWORKS project. The works created during this residency were exhibited at the Muswellbrook Regional Arts Centre. “My idea is to create a body of work that I would hope would demonstrate the humanity and history of Liddell, a documentary exercise of pulling the beauty out of the building, to show it again in a new light”. (Rachel Milne, 2024).

Her collections include AGL, Bathurst Regional Art Gallery, Newcastle Art Gallery, Muswellbrook Art Gallery and Maitland Regional Art Gallery.


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Artist: Rachel Milne Camera/Editor: Erling Gronhaug (Duke's Creations) Producer: Newcastle Art Gallery Courtesy Newcastle Art Gallery

Rachel Milne, VFA Films – Renew Newcastle

This VFA Film features Rachel Milne painting at the former David Jones Gallery where she completed a six week artist in residence in early 2015.

Solo Exhibitions [selected]

Finding Light in Dark Places, King Street Gallery on William, Sydney NSW

Small works, Straitjacket Gallery Newcastle, NSW
A Room of One’s Own, Women in Still Life, Bett Gallery, Hobart, TAS

Personal Space King Street Gallery on William, Sydney, NSW
Nest Newcastle Art Gallery, Newcastle, NSW

From life King Street Gallery on William

Two Years On King Street Gallery on William
After Olley Bathurst Regional Art Gallery, Bathurst, NSW

Rachel Milne: Painter King Street Gallery on William
The Renewal of David Jones former David Jones Store, Newcastle, NSW

Interiors Newcastle Art Space, Newcastle

Group Exhibitions [selected]

Muswellbrook Art Prize, Muswellbrook Art Centre
The Creator Incubator, Newcastle, NSW
Muswellbrook Regional Arts Centre, Muswellbrook, NSW
Singleton Arts and Cultural Centre, Singleton, NSW
Ravenswood Art Prize,

Introductions | Portraits from the MRAG Collection, Maitland, NSW
Salon des Refuses S.H. Ervin Gallery, Sydney
A Room of Ones Own, Bett Gallery, Tasmania
Vincent Prize, Sydney

Evelyn Chapman Award
Muswellbrook Art Prize

Reconnected: a recovery story Museum of Art and Culture Lake Macquarie, NSW
Salon des Refuses S.H. Ervin Gallery, Sydney

Portia Geach Memorial Award, S.H. Ervin Gallery
Inside/outside King Street Gallery on William

Fleurieu Biennale SA
Tattersalls Club Landscape Prize Qld
Kilgour Art Prize Newcastle Art Gallery, NSW
The Wynne Prize Art Gallery of NSW, Sydney

The Wynne Prize Art Gallery of NSW, Sydney

Kilgour Art Prize Newcastle Art Gallery
Calleen Art Award Cowra Regional Art Gallery, Cowra, NSW
Plein Air Painting Prize Parliament House, Sydney
Fleurieu Prize [Still Life Section], SA
Portia Geach Prize S.H Ervin Gallery, NSW
Art & Dementia Maitland Regional Art Gallery, NSW
M16 Drawing Prize Canberra, ACT
Curve Gallery, Newcastle, NSW

Artist in Residence at Hill End, Haefligers Cottage

Plein Air Painting Prize Parliament House, Sydney
Salon des Refuses S.H. Ervin Gallery, Sydney

Kilgour Art Prize Newcastle Regional Gallery
Newcastle University Acquisitive Prize University Gallery
Calleen Art Award Cowra Regional Art Gallery, NSW

Newcastle Emerging Artist Awards Newcastle Art Space, NSW
Singleton Portrait Prize [WINNER] Singleton Civic Centre

Open Exhibition Royal West of England Academy, Bristol, UK

Young Artist of the Year  The Biscuit Factory Foundation, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
159 Autumn Show Royal West of England Academy
Jamaica Street Studios Exhibition Royal West of England Academy

Holbourne Portrait Prize Holbourne Museum, Bath, UK
Open Painting Exhibition Royal West of England Academy

Autumn Exhibition Royal West of England Academy

Autumn Exhibition Royal West of England Academy
Glories of the Gorge Exhibition Innocent Fine Art, Clifton, Bristol

Orange Christmas Edgar Modern, Bath
Mortal The Old Pro Cathedral Clifton, Bristol
Autumn Affordable Art Fair Battersea Park London

Open Painting Exhibition Royal West of England Academy


Bathurst Regional Art Gallery, NSW
Maitland Regional Art Gallery, NSW
Muswellbrook Regional Arts Centre, NSW
Newcastle Art Gallery, NSW
Royal Marriott Hotel, Bristol, UK
Theological College, Bristol, UK

Personal Space 2021

View exhibition catalogue
Rachel Milne

From life 2019

Rachel Milne

Two years on 2017